S.C.C.: Federally Regulated Employees – Termination For Just Cause Only
In an important decision the Supreme Court of Canada recently
held that non-unionized employees cannot be terminated absent just cause and
that adequate severance pay is not a sufficient substitute.(*1) The Court
reversed a decision of the Federal Court of Appeal and found that the “unjust
dismissal” provisions of the Canada
Labour Code that apply to unionized employees also apply to non-unionized
employees. Otherwise, employees who are not expressly hired for a fixed term
are now entitled to job security for life unless the employer can meet a very
high threshold test of “just cause” for their dismissal. The decision affects
half a million non-unionized employees working in banks, telecommunications, marine
shipping, interprovincial trucking companies, interprovincial railways,
airlines and other federal businesses.
In labour and employment law, some general principles developed
at common law are: (1) unionized employees cannot be terminated absent just
cause and (2) non-unionized employees may be terminated at any time without any
right to reasons for termination so long as the employer gives reasonable
notice of termination or reasonable compensation in lieu of notice.
Provincially regulated employers have for decades enjoyed the right to dismiss
employees on a without-cause basis to efficiently manage their human resource
compliment, which could include terminating employees who simply proved, for
one reason or another, to no longer be a good fit. The only requirement under
provincial employment standards legislation is that the employer must provide
the terminated employee with reasonable notice of dismissal, or pay in lieu
thereof, plus severance pay under certain circumstances.
Unionized employees who are terminated have the
ability to seek reinstatement with back pay or other forms of compensation
before independent labour arbitrators. This right has now been given to
non-unionized federally regulated employees. Federally regulated employers will
now have to expend significant time, money and resources in the hopes of
building a case of just cause against the employee.
There are some exceptions that should be noted. The Canada Labour Code limits application of
the unjust dismissal regime in the following manner:
1. The
affected employee must have at lease twelve months of service with the
2. The regime does not apply to managers;
however this term is interpreted very narrowly.
Supervisors, for example, may not be considered managers.
3. The regime does not apply to
terminations for lack of work.
4. The regime does not apply to
terminations for discontinuance of a function.
The Decision
The Supreme Court of
Canada decision involved the dismissal without cause of Joseph Wilson. Mr.
Wilson was employed with a federally regulated employer, Atomic Energy of
Canada Ltd. (AECL) for four and a half years. Mr. Wilson did not have a
disciplinary record and there was no serious misconduct leading to his
termination. AECL admitted that he was not terminated for cause, but it had
provided Mr. Wilson with a generous dismissal package that included six months’
pay in lieu of notice. Mr. Wilson could have sued in court for wrongful
dismissal. Instead, he availed himself of the Canada Labour Code regime and made a complaint to an inspector
under the Code and the inspector’s
mandate is to try to settle the matter within a reasonable time, failing which
the employee can apply for an adjudicator.
In this case a labour adjudicator was appointed. The employer sought a
preliminary ruling on whether a dismissal without cause together with a
sizeable severance package meant that the dismissal was a just one.
The Adjudicator
concluded that an employer could not resort to severance payments, however
generous, to avoid a determination under the Code about whether the
dismissal was unjust. Because the employer did not rely on any cause to fire
him, Mr. Wilson’s complaint was allowed. The Application Judge found this
decision to be unreasonable because, in his view, nothing in Part III of
the Code precluded employers from dismissing non‑unionized employees on a without‑cause basis. The Federal Court of Appeal agreed, but
reviewed the issue on a standard of correctness. The Supreme Court of Canada
reversed the Federal Court of Appeal and applied the standard of review as
reasonableness not correctness. It emphasized that the decisions of labour
adjudicators or arbitrators interpreting statutes or agreements
within their expertise attracts a reasonableness standard. It found that the
Adjudicator’s decision was reasonable. Three of the nine judges of the Supreme
Court of Canada disagreed with the majority and separate cogent reasons were
provided. Their view was that (*2):
In our view, this
case exposes a serious concern for the rule of law posed by presumptively
deferential review of a decision-maker’s interpretation of its home statute. In
the specific context of this case, correctness review is justified. To conclude
otherwise would abandon rule of law values in favour of indiscriminate
deference to the administrative state.
minority of the Court also relied on the interpretation of sections 230 and 235
of the Canada Labour Code. Those
sections provide minimum notice and severance requirements to employees. The
minority interpreted those sections as applying to all employees under Part III
of the Code, stating:
Our interpretation is
supported by the wording of ss. 230 and 235 of the Code. Because ss. 230
and 235 of the Code do not apply to dismissals for just cause
(ss. 230(1) and 235(1)), they must necessarily apply to dismissals without
cause. Otherwise they would be substantially redundant. By prescribing minimum
notice periods and severance pay that are owed to employees who are terminated
(including dismissed) without cause, Parliament clearly intended to permit federally
regulated employers to dismiss non-unionized employees without cause.
decision means that Mr. Wilson can now proceed with the remedy portion of his
hearing before the Adjudicator. The Adjudicator can order AECL to reinstate
him, with back pay.
Consequences of the
Decision and Take Aways
1. The decision has wide application in
the transportation field, in trucking, aviation and rail. Trucking companies
that operate outside the borders of one province are subject to the Canada Labour Code and this decision.
In the trucking area the use of independent contractors is common. In fact
the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board has indicated that “Hiring
subcontractors and/or owner-operators is a common practice in the
transportation industry.”(*3) However, if an owner-operator is in an exclusive,
or quasi-exclusive relationship with the transport company, a court may conclude that the owner-operator
is a dependent contractor. Fernandes
Hearn LLP has commented on the dangers of such a relationship in its November
2015 and February 2016 newsletters. Simply using the term “independent
contractor” in an agreement may not be sufficient for the determination of the
status of the individual.
This point was recently illustrated in the decision in the Ontario Superior
Court in Keenan v. Canac Kitchens 2015 ONSC 1055, affirmed 2016 ONCA 79. In Canac
Kitchens the claimants, a husband and wife, both worked for Canac for over
twenty years. They began their relationship with Canac as employees. Lawrence
Keenan worked for Canac from 1979 to 2009. Marilyn Keenan began working for
Canac in 1983. In October 1987, both were summoned to a meeting with Canac
management at which time they were told they would no longer be employees, but
instead would carry out their work for Canac as independent contractors. They
were also told that they should incorporate.
The Keenans were informed that, under the new arrangement, they would be
responsible for paying installers. The installers would provide their own
trucks and would pick up kitchen from Canac and deliver them to job sites for
installation. Canac would set the rates to be paid to the installers and pay
the Keenans, who, in turn, would pay the installers. The Keenans, as Delivery
and Installation Leaders, would, as before, also be paid on a piecework basis
for each box or unit installed; however, the amount paid would be increased to
reflect the fact that the Delivery and Installation Leaders were being paid gross,
without deductions for Unemployment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan,
or Income Tax. Delivery and Installation Leaders would now be
responsible for damage to cabinets while in transit, and were expected to
obtain insurance to cover such liability.
The Keenans signed a contract with Canac, which described them as
independent contractors. They never incorporated. They did register the
business name “Keenan Cabinetry”. They obtained the insurance required
by their agreement with Canac, and they registered with what was then
known as The Workers’ Compensation Board. Although they were responsible for
cutting cheques to the installers they supervised, the installers were not
their employees. Keenan Cabinetry never registered as an employer with
the Canada Revenue Agency for the purposes of withholding taxes and other
source deductions.
As far as the plaintiffs were concerned, the 1987 agreement
notwithstanding, they continued to consider themselves as loyal employees of Canac.
They enjoyed employee discounts. They wore shirts with company logos. They had Canac
business cards. Mr. Keenan received a signet ring for 20 years of loyal
service. To the outside world, and in particular, to Canac’s customers,
the plaintiffs were Canac’s representatives.
In March 2009, the plaintiffs were called to a meeting and were told that Canac
was closing its operations and their services would no longer be required. The Canac
work quickly dried up.
The Keenans sued for wrongful dismissal.
Justice Mew commented that the law in Ontario relating to dependent
contractors is well established, stating (*4):
Employment relationships exist on a continuum; with
the employer/employee relationship, at one end of the continuum, and
independent contractors at the other end. Between those two points, lies a
third intermediate category of relationship, now termed dependant contractors
…Like employees, dependant [sic] contractors are owed reasonable notice
on termination.
Justice Mew then reviewed the case law on the principles used to
distinguish independent contractors from employees. He looked at a 2004
decision (*5) involving commissioned agents, setting out the principles:
1. Whether or not the agent
was limited exclusively to the service of the principal.
2. Whether or not the agent
is subject to the control of the principal not only as to the product sold, but
also as to when, where, and how it is sold.
3. Whether or not the agent
as an investment or interest in what are characterized as the tools relating to
his service.
4. Whether or not the agent
has undertaken any risks in the business sense, or, alternatively, has any
expectation of profit associated with the delivery of his service as distinct
from a fixed commission.
5. Whether or not the
activity of the agent is part of the business organization of the principal for
which he works. In other words, whose business is it?
Justice Mew concluded that the Keenans were entitled to 26 months of notice
after they were found to be dependent, rather than independent, contractors of
the employer.
If the Keenans had worked for an interprovincial trucking company, the Wilson v. AECL decision of the Supreme
Court of Canada would apply and simply providing adequate notice would not be
sufficient. The employer could be faced with reinstatement and back pay.
Trucking companies that
operate outside the borders of one province should review and ensure that all
their contracts with owner-operators establish a relationship that is truly
independent. The consequences are now more severe if the contractor is found to
be a dependent contractor. Trucking companies are also advised, where possible,
to hire independent contractors that are corporations rather than individuals,
with full authority to hire their own drivers, and the ability to haul loads
for multiple carriers.
2. Federally regulated employers should conduct a
performance review on each employee prior to the completion of his or her first
12 months of service, and not just after three or six months. If an employer
has any concerns about the fit or regarding performance they should terminate
the employee within that 12-month period.
Upon completion of a full 12 months of employment, a federally-regulated
employee will acquire the added protection of the Code’s unjust dismissal regime.
Employees can be hired on a fixed term basis, however it is important that
their contract not include an automatic renewal or “evergreen” clause, as this
could bring into play the added protection of the Code’s unjust dismissal
4. Employers should diligently document
performance issues or issues of misconduct to establish just cause. It is
extremely difficult to prove just cause without addressing issues in a timely
way, and in documenting same. The onus is on the employer
to show just cause. Employers who terminate an employee for just cause
must be able to prove that the employee’s conduct or behaviour was so serious
in its nature or extent, that it broke the employment agreement. What is just
cause? The following is from the Manitoba government guide:
What are some examples of
possible just cause?
The circumstances and specific facts of each case must
be considered to determine if there is just cause. Just cause can vary
depending on the employee’s conduct, the type of business, the employee’s
position, and the employer’s policies or practices, among many other
factors. The following are some examples that may constitute just
- Theft
- Dishonesty
- Violence
- Wilful misconduct
- Habitual neglect of duty
- Disobedience
- Conflict of interest
What do employers need to
consider before deciding there is just cause?
Serious Circumstances
Each situation must be looked at on a case by case
basis. Very serious acts, such as those involving wilful misconduct or
violence, might happen once and be sufficient to show just cause. This
type of behaviour can damage the employment relationship to the point it cannot
reasonably continue.
Other Circumstances
Other behaviour, such as being late, missing work, and
poor performance are not necessarily serious enough to terminate without
notice. For just cause to apply in these cases, the employer must be able
to show appropriate steps were taken to correct the behaviour, including:
- Making the employee aware
of the expectation
- Providing the employee
with reasonable time and resources (where appropriate) to achieve the necessary
standard, and
- Warning the employee
about the specific consequences for continuing the unacceptable behavior
In short, employees should
not be surprised by a termination for just cause in these types of
(*1) Wilson
v. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 2016 SCC 29
(*2) ibid, para. 79.
So You’re Thinking of Using Independent Operators in Your Transportation
Business – Brochure
2015 ONSC 1055, para. 17
Ibid, para. 18
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