J.D. Irving Limitation Supplementary Reasons
On January 22nd, 2016 Federal
Court of Canada released its decision in J.D.
Irving, Limited v. Siemens Canada Limited 2016 FC 69. This was an action
commenced by J.D. Irving Limited (“JDI”) seeking a declaration that it was
entitled to limit its liability to $500,000 in relation to cargo (valued at
$40,000,000) that had fallen into the sea, while being loaded on the deck of a
barge on October 15th 2008 in Saint John, New Brunswick. A
commentary on the decision is found in the Fernandes Hearn LLP newsletter of
January 2016.
On March 7th, 2016 the Court
released supplementary reasons on a distinct issue. (*1)
To recap, Siemens Canada Limited (“Siemens”)
had entered into a contract to supply a number of low pressure rotors and a
generator rotor to the New Brunswick Power Nuclear Power Corporation for the
refurbishment and upgrade of its Point Lepreau
nuclear generating station.
Siemens contracted with JDI to transport the
modules and generator rotor from the Port of Saint John to Point Lepreau. JDI
chartered a barge, the “SPM 125”, and a tug to assist with the move. JDI
retained Maritime Marine Consultants (2003) Inc. (“MMC) to provide naval
architectural and consulting services. Mr. Don Bremner (“Bremner”) was the
principal and owner of MMC. BMT Marine and Offshore Surveys Limited (“BMT”) was retained by
Siemens and its insurer, AXA Corporate Solutions, to provide marine surveying
services for the move of the cargo. The attending surveyor was Mr. Douglas
Hamilton (“Hamilton”).
On October 15th, 2008 two of the
rotors were placed on self-propelled multi-wheeled transporters owned by JDI.
This allowed the rotors to be driven or rolled on and off the SPM 124. While in
the process of loading the second transporter onto the barge, it tipped to
starboard, fell over and off the barge into Saint John Harbour. The other
rotor, which had been placed on the first transporter loaded onto the barge,
immediately followed.
The supplementary reasons deal with the discrete
issues of whether MMC and Bremner are entitled to the benefit of the limitation
pursuant to Article 1(4) of the Limitation
Convention. Article 1(4) states:
If any claims set out
in Article 2 are made against any person for whose act, neglect or default the
shipowner or salvor is responsible, such person shall be entitled to avail
himself of the limitation of liability provided for in this Convention.
It was not disputed
the JDI was a shipowner as defined in Article 1(2) of the Limitation Convention. MMC and Bremner argued that Article 1(4)
extends the class of persons entitled to limit liability to include independent
contractors, provided that the shipowner is responsible for the actions of the
independent contractor as a matter of law.
MMC and Bremner
asserted that an independent contractor or expert who renders a ship
unseaworthy by his act, neglect or default saddles the shipowner, JDI in this
case, with personal legal liability. To the extent that the “SPM 125” was
not seaworthy, JDI “is responsible for any shortcomings of his agents or
subordinates in making the [vessel] seaworthy at the commencement of the
transportation of the particular cargo.” MMC and Bremner submitted that the
task of making the “SPM 125” seaworthy was a core function of JDI and the role
of MMC and Bremner in preparing the loadout plan was in furtherance of that
core function. The concept of “responsibility” in Article 1(4) speaks to
this relationship. According to MMC and Bremner, if the “SPM 125” was
unseaworthy then JDI is liable to Siemens and that liability is neither
distinguished or diminished by engaging MMC and Bremner to carry out the duty.
Thus, MMC and Bremner are persons for whose act, neglect or default JDI is
The Court noted that
the evidence was clear that MMC contracted with JDI, pursuant to the Irving
Equipment Purchase Order, to provide naval architecture services for the
subject cargo move. Further, the Court noted the evidence that JDI and
MMC had a longstanding relationship, that MMC provided particular expertise
that JDI indicated it did not have in-house, and that MMC and Bremner were
described by JDI as part of its team. It was also noted without question
that MMC and Bremner were required to and did provide advice on the suitability
and use of the “SPM 125” for the safe loading and transport of the LP Rotors.
The Court concluded,
however, that this did not suffice to make MMC and Bremner persons for whose
act, neglect or default JDI, as the shipowner, was “responsible” which would
entitle them to avail of limitation under Article 1(4). Justice Strickland
noted that there was no evidence or suggestion that Bremner was retained by JDI
in his personal capacity or that he was an employee of JDI. There was also
no suggestion that Bremner, at any time, acted other than in his capacity as a
principal of MMC. Rather, MMC acted as an independent contractor in
providing naval architectural services to JDI. The Court stated:
The relationship of
an employer and an independent contractor, unlike that of employer and employee
or servant or agent, typically does not give rise to a claim for vicarious
liability. In this case, the evidence is that JDI entered into contract
for services with MMC. MMC provided naval architectural services that JDI
did not have in-house. JDI did not supervise or control MMC’s work.
MMC is an independent corporate entity that was in business on its own
account. In sum, the nature of the relationship between JDI and MMC was
not one that attracted vicarious liability. Therefore, while MMC may have
been retained by JDI on many occasions in the past and JDI may have relied on
MMC for provision of naval architectural services, under Canadian law this is
not sufficient to make JDI vicariously liable or responsible for MMC’s acts or
omissions (671122 Ontario Ltd v Sagaz Industries Canada Inc, 2001 SCC 59
at paras 46-47; 1292644 Ontario Inc (Connor Homes) v Canada (National
Revenue), 2013 FCA 85 at paras 23, 39-41; KLB v British Columbia, 2003
SCC 51).
The mere fact that
JDI contracted with MMC to provide naval architectural services that were a
necessary part of, or integral to, or a core function of the cargo move was
insufficient to found legal responsibility as described in Article 1(4) under
the Limitation Convention.
Justice Strickland
further added:
Secondly, the Griggs
article, relied upon by MMC and Bremner, states that it is by no means clear
what is meant by the word “responsible” as used in Article 1(4). Griggs
acknowledges that this could be interpreted broadly or narrowly. This
potential for diverging interpretations is evidenced in Shipowners’
Limitation of Liability (Frederick, MD: Aspen, 2012) at 35 by Barnabas WB
Reynold and Michael N Tsimplis. The authors of that text state that the
purpose of the words “persons for whose act, neglect or default the shipowner
or salvor is responsible” is to prevent a claimant circumventing the right to
limit by suing the wrongdoer rather than the ship, the previous success of that
approach having led to the introduction of Himalaya clauses (see Adler v
Dickson (The Himalaya), [1954] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 267 and, for their
acceptance in Canadian law, London Drugs Ltd v Kuehne & Nagel
International Ltd, [1992] 3 SCR 299).
Reynold and Tsimplis go on to say that the extension of the right to limit to
persons for whom the shipowner is responsible clearly covers the master and
crew members when they act within the scope of their employment.
“However, anyone who can show that he is linked to the shipowner in a way that
makes the shipowner responsible would be entitled to limit liability” (p
35). They suggest that under English law this could include pilots
because their negligence makes the shipowner liable, although pilots are also
entitled by statute to limit their liability to a much lower limit.
However, the authors also state that independent contractors and others
involved in the shipping business may not fall within the definition, including
ship’s agents, stevedores and classification societies (see also Michael
Tsimplis and Richard Shaw, “The Liabilities of the Vessel” in Yvonne Baatz, ed Maritime
Law, 3d (UK: Routledge, 2014) 222 at 277-278).
Further, Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard notes in Modern Maritime Law, Volume 2:
Managing Risks and Liabilities, 3rd Edition (New York: Routledge,
2013) at p 746-747 that Article 1(4) is mainly concerned with granting an
independent right of limitation to those people for whose act, neglect or
default the shipowner, or manager, or operator, or salvor will be vicariously
Given the ambiguity
that arises from the wording of Article 1(4) and the various possible
interpretations of that Article, the Court found it necessary to examine The
Travaux Préparatoires of the LLMC Convention 1976 and of the Protocol of 1996 (the
“travaux”), as compiled by the Comité Maritime International (“CMI”),
in an effort to ascertain the intention of the Member States as regard
Article 1(4) within the context and purpose of the Limitation Convention.
Justice Strickland’s
review of the CMI materials, and the recorded debates of the Member States
during the drafting of the Convention
led her to conclude that the travaux provides
no clear answers. However, she concluded that what can be taken from them is
that there was certainly no explicit intention to extend the category of
persons who are entitled to limit their liability pursuant to Article 1(4) to
include independent contractors. If anything, the travaux tends to suggest that the underlying premise of Article
1(4) is that “responsibility” remains tied to the vicarious liability of the
shipowner and that a narrow interpretation was intended.
Justice Strickland
concluded that JDI, as the shipowner, was not vicariously liable for the acts,
neglect or default of its independent contractor, and that MMC and its
principal Bremner were not entitled to limit their liability pursuant to the Limitation
(*1) 2016 FC 287
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