Primer on Workers’
A typical client call to the firm starts out as:
“We have been in business for 10 years. Nobody ever told us before that we
had to be registered for workers’ compensation, but we are being advised by a
WSIB representative that we have a big problem because we didn’t. They want us
to pay 7 years of back premiums, interest and a whack of penalties. If this is
compulsory, why didn’t the government tell us at the beginning when we
registered our business?”
Background Information
Workers' compensation was Canada's first social program to be introduced as
it was favoured by both workers' groups and employers, who hoped to avoid
lawsuits. The system was developed after an Inquiry chaired by Ontario Chief
Justice William Meredith, who outlined a system in which workers would be
compensated for workplace injuries, but, in return, must give up their right to
sue their employers. The system was introduced in various provinces on different
dates. Ontario was first in 1914, Manitoba in 1916, and British Columbia in
1917. The system remains a provincial responsibility and thus the rules vary
from province to province. In most provinces, the workers' compensation board
or commission remains concerned solely with insurance. The workers'
compensation insurance system in every province is funded by employers based on
the employers’ payroll, industry sector and track record of injuries (or lack
thereof) in their associated workplaces (usually referred to as the
"experience rating").
In Ontario the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 sets out the purpose of the Act in
The purpose of this
Act is to accomplish the following in a financially responsible and accountable
1. To promote health
and safety in workplaces.
2. To facilitate the
return to work and recovery of workers who sustain personal injury arising out
of and in the course of employment or who suffer from an occupational disease.
3. To facilitate the
re-entry into the labour market of workers and spouses of deceased workers.
4. To provide
compensation and other benefits to workers and to the survivors of deceased
The Workplace Safety &
Insurance Board, (formerly Worker's Compensation Board), (“WSIB”) is a
branch of the Ontario Ministry of Labour and was established in 1914. It is a
workers' compensation insurer for Ontario, and is tasked with maintaining and
administering the insurance fund.
The WSIB was formed in 1914 through the passage of the Workmen's Compensation Act. In 1998, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act was passed at Queen's Park. This resulted in the formation of the Workplace Safety & Insurance
Board or WSIB, which took over the functions of the previous board.
Registration with the WSIB is required
for most Ontario employers. It
is not required for all employers, and the means of knowing which category a
business falls into are not commonly known. As a
result, as new businesses start up, it is all too frequent an occurrence that
the question of registration with the WSIB never arises.
Since the inception of the worker's
compensation system 100 years ago, Ontario employers have essentially fallen
into one of three categories.
The first and by far the largest of
these categories is Schedule 1. These employers include most manufacturing,
sales, distribution, service and construction activities. All Schedule 1
employers in Ontario are required to register with the WSIB effective on the
day they first employ workers, and to pay premiums calculated as a
percentage of payroll, roughly ranging from 0.2% to 18.3%, based on anticipated
injury rates in the given sector of the industry.
Schedule 1 is divided into a number of classes and
each class is sub-divided (examples appear below with highlighted
transportation industries):
• Class A – Forest Products
• Class B – Mining and Related Industries
• Class C – Other Primary Industries
Class D – Manufacturing
small boats
i. Shipbuilding or ship repairing
ii. Operation of dry docks.
ii carriages
iv motor truck bodies
vii vehicles, other than self-propelled vehicles.
• Class E – Transportation and Storage
1. Hauling or loading
logs on cars, trucks or vessels.
2. Operating grain elevators.
3. i. Carting, teaming and trucking.
Loading or unloading cars or other vehicles.
iii. Stevedoring.
iv. Operation of aeroplanes, airships or other flying
Operations of forwarding companies or persons engaged in the business of
transportation by canoes, scows or sleighs.
vi. Operation of wharves or work upon wharves.
vii. Sanding streets or roads.
viii. Scavengering.
ix. Street cleaning or removal of snow or ice.
x. Warehousing or storage, with carting, teaming or
xi. Warehousing or storage, without carting, teaming
or trucking.
xii. Business of supplying truck drivers.
xiii. Conveying passengers by automobile or trolley
xiv. Operating a taxicab business.
4. Operation of
railways, not included in Schedule 2.
Class F – Retail and Wholesale Trades
Class G – Construction
Class H – Government and Related Services
Class I – Other Services
Schedule 2 employers, on the other hand, do not pay
premiums but are instead directly responsible to reimburse to the WSIB the cost
of all claims paid, plus an administrative surcharge in excess of 22%.
Employers in this category tend to be larger and more established on the whole,
and include the following:
• railways
• telephone companies within the legislative
authority of the Parliament of Canada
• telegraph companies
• navigation companies
• international bridges
• the provincial government, including boards,
commissions, and Crown agencies
any airline with a regularly scheduled
international passenger service
• municipalities, including municipal boards
and commissions, except hospital boards
• public library boards
• police
• villages
• school
The balance of employers in Ontario not categorized into either Schedule
are not required to provide worker's compensation coverage to their employees.
There is no particular pattern by which to identify those employers; they
include such diverse operations as golf courses, photography studios, funeral
homes, dental offices and summer camps. The legislation provides that some
employers, who are not compulsorily covered under either Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 of
the Act, are eligible for Schedule 1 coverage by application. These include,
but are not limited to:
• banks, insurance companies, and trust
• barbers and hair salons
• membership
organizations (such as labour organizations, professional associations,
political organizations, etc.)
• motion picture producers
• offices of lawyers, dentists, medical
doctors and veterinarians
• photographers
• radio and television broadcasters
• touring
and travel agencies.
The WSIB does not extend coverage by
application, under any circumstances, to:
• teams or individuals competing in sports
• circuses
• persons who
perform stunts in films, videos, theatrical, or live performances, including
any actors or performers who do their own stunts.
• foreign diplomats and
members of a diplomatic staff in embassies as defined by the Vienna Convention
on Diplomatic Relations, 1961, including head of the mission, members of the
diplomatic staff, and diplomatic agents.
The WSIB has an online Employer Classification manual at
that sets out whether a business activity is
compulsorily covered under either Schedule or is available as an option.
Failure To
Employers who fail to register are potentially liable for retroactive
premium assessments plus penalties and interest going back five, and in some
cases more, years. Further, the WSIB will bring the full weight of its
enforcement powers to bear upon such an employer that it discovers on its
own. Prosecutions and fines are a distinct possibility. To that end, the
Board draws information from its own investigatory activities, information
exchanges with the Canada Revenue Agency and other government authorities,
anonymous tips, and reports of worker injuries by individuals whose employers
are unknown to the Board.
Where an employer steps forward and voluntarily
discloses non-compliance, the WSIB will apply its Voluntary Registration policy
and waive its rights to levy penalties and interest, or to lay charges. While
the employer will be assessed retroactively for premiums, that assessment will
be limited to the 12 months prior to the date that it in fact registers.
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