Seizure of Sailboat Disallowed
In the recent decision of A.G. Ontario v. Kittiwake Sailboat, 2015 ONSC 6106 Justice Corbett of the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario disallowed
a proposed seizure of a sailboat by the Attorney General of Ontario (“AG
Ontario”) under the Civil Remedies Act (“CRA”).
The facts of this
case are simple. On August 4, 2013, Valentin Chygyrynskyy was seen operating his
sailboat in Toronto harbour. The sailboat struck a moored
powerboat. Then Mr. Chygyrynskyy was observed falling out of his boat into
the water. Mr. Chygrynskyy swam to shore with the aid of a flotation device thrown
to him by his passenger. The police Marine Unit was dispatched and helped Mr.
Chygyrynskyy from the water. Mr. Chygyrynskyy provided two breath
samples. His readings were 158 mgs and 147 mgs of alcohol per 100 ml of
blood. Mr. Chygyrynskyy was charged with offences related to impaired
operation of a boat. Following these events, the AG Ontario obtained a
preservation order and applied for forfeiture of Mr. Chygyrynskyy’s sailboat
under the CRA.
is a “Robin Hood” law conceived as a way to take property from criminals and
give the proceeds from its sale to victims. It is a procedure in a civil court
and not criminal court. It doesn’t require a charge and conviction in a
criminal proceeding. An application can simply be made to a judge in a civil
proceeding where the onus of proof is on a balance of probabilities as opposed
to the more rigorous standard of beyond a reasonable doubt.
The procedure has its supporters and its critics. The Toronto Star (*1) has reported that:
… an Oshawa couple had a portion of the value of their house seized even
though drug possession charges against them were dropped. In Orillia, a
landlord who rented rooms to homeless people could lose his property because
the province contends that tenants paid rent with money made selling drugs.
Critics point out that because it’s easier to prove a case in civil court
than in criminal court, the forfeiture process has become a parallel justice
system for weak cases.
provides in Subsection 8(1) that:
In a proceeding
commenced by the Attorney General, the Superior Court of Justice shall, subject
to subsection (3) and except where it would clearly not be in the interests of
justice, make an order forfeiting property that is in Ontario to the Crown in
right of Ontario if the court finds that the property is an instrument of
unlawful activity.
An “instrument of
unlawful activity” is defined in s.7(1) of the CRA as:
… property that is
likely to be used to engage in unlawful activity that, in turn, would be likely
to or is intended to result in the acquisition of other property or in serious
bodily harm to any person, and includes any property that is realized from the
sale or disposition of such property….
activity” is defined in s.7(1) of the CRA to mean:
an act or omission
that… (a) is an offence under an Act of Canada, Ontario or another
province or territory of Canada….
Subsection 7(2)
For the
purpose of the definition of “instrument of unlawful activity” in subsection
(1), proof that property was used to engage in unlawful activity that, in turn,
resulted in the acquisition of other property or in serious bodily harm to any
person is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the property
is likely to be used to engage in unlawful activity that, in turn, would be
likely to result in the acquisition of other property or in serious bodily harm
to any person.
Justice Corbett pointed out that forfeiture is
mandatory if the conditions of s. 7(1) are met, unless such an order “would
clearly not be in the interests of justice.” Thus forfeiture will be
automatic in all but exceptional cases.
The judge found that
the condition in s. 7(1) was met since impaired operation of a sailboat is an
offence under the Criminal Code of Canada and therefore is an “unlawful
activity” within the meaning of the CRA.
In this proceeding, the onus was on the AG Ontario to show that it was
“likely” that the boat would be used for unlawful activity in the
future. The court noted that Mr. Chygrynskyy has operated his boat once
while impaired. There was no evidence that he had done so before. The
owner also testified that he intended to sell the sailboat since he had health
problems. The judge accepted this evidence as credible. The judge found that
the AG Ontario had not met its onus to show that it was “likely” that the
sailboat would be used in unlawful activity in the future.
The judge also found that the events that gave
rise to the court application by the AG Ontario did not cause serious bodily
harm to any person. Thus the AG Ontario did not have the benefit of the
presumption in s. 7(2) of the CRA.
Justice Corbett found
that the AG Ontario had not established that the prospective unlawful use of
the sailboat would “likely” lead to serious bodily harm to a person stating:
There is some risk
that it may. But that is not the test. The test is “likely”.
The Crown has not come close to establishing this proposition, which strikes me
as rather remote. The Crown has not come close to establishing this
proposition, which strikes me as rather remote. Certainly there is no
evidence before me that it is more likely than not that an impaired boater will
cause serious bodily injury to a person. The statistics indicate that the
risk for motorists is much smaller than 50%, and as a matter of common sense I
would suggest that the risks for persons on a leisure sailboat would be much
lower still. The applicant has adduced evidence that forty per cent of fatal
boating accidents involve drugs or alcohol. With respect, that evidence
is beside the point. It may establish that there is elevated risk
associated with impaired operation of a boat. It does not establish that
this risk is above 50%, the level required to make serious bodily harm a
“likely” consequence.
…I appreciate that
this mathematical analysis could be seen to trivialize the risks associated
with impaired operation of cars and boats. That is not the point
here. The probability of serious bodily harm is less than “likely”, but
the consequences of that risk being realized are unacceptable. Impaired
driving, whether of cars or boats, is a serious social harm – it creates no
benefit to anyone, and may cause disastrous loss to some. But the
seriousness of the consequences does not make those consequences more likely.
The judge commented that the CRA was aimed at organized crime and intentional crime
undertaken for personal gain. It was not aimed at leisure boating. The
judge was fortified in this conclusion by the legislative debates when the CRA
was enacted. There was debate of drug trafficking and organized crime,
but none of impaired driving. The judge commented on the forfeiture procedure
Forfeiture under the CRA
is a confiscation of private property by the state, without compensation.
Where proceeds of crime are confiscated, there is no countervailing interest to
balance: criminals can rightly be deprived of the fruits of their criminal
activity. Where property is used for the purpose of committing criminal
acts, there may be conflicting values at play. Where the property is not
owned lawfully in the first place, there is a strong argument for confiscation
without compensation. Where the property is owned and used legitimately
by its owner, but also happens to be used in connection with a crime, the case
for confiscation without compensation becomes more problematic. The
Legislature recognized these issues when it used the strong language it did to
define “instruments of unlawful activity” as it did: the strict interpretation
of this provision is consistent with the Legislature’s goals to make this
powerful remedy available to fight organized crime, drug crimes, and other
similar activities.
The owner of the
sailboat had been unrepresented. The court had, however, appointed a lawyer to
assist the owner and the court with some of the issues, an amicus curiae. The amicus curiae
had raised an interesting issue as to whether the application of the CRA
to a sailboat was constitutional, given the federal government’s exclusive
jurisdiction over navigation and shipping. The judge noted that it was
not necessary for him to decide this constitutional issue to dispose of this
case, and declined to do so. This issue was left to be decided in a future
The application by
the AG Ontario to seize the vessel was dismissed. The sailboat was ordered to
be returned to its owner.
The Toronto Star noted that the case had
serious implications for those caught driving drunk and, had it been
successful, could have led to more widespread seizure of cars and trucks. (*2)
(*2) “This decision makes it a
lot more challenging to seize property if it’s not property that’s inherently
illegal or property that has a proven track record of being used illegally
resulting in injury to others,” said Justin Safayeni, who was appointed by the
court to oppose the Attorney General. “Certainly there’s been a trend to the
expansive use of these powers, and this decision — at least for the time being
— seems to dial it back.”